A woman sat at a desk, looking at code on her computer.
Hand using a stylus to operate a touchscreen device

TerraQuest News

- Sep 2021

The digital future of planning and building: Planning Portal’s latest webinar series

The first episode of our new webinar series went live this week (28 September). We’re getting ever closer to going live with the re-platforming of the Planning Portal application service and guidance site and are excited to share with you these developments, what it means for you and what we’re planning to do next.

Yesterday’s episode updated you on all the work we have carried out over the summer months, looking at the updated user journey, new screens and an update on functions and features.

We also shared a first look at the new Planning Portal logo which will be launching in the new year. You may see the new logo around at events, so keep an eye out for us over the coming months!

You will soon be able to access yesterday’s video content by registering (for free) or logging in to the Planning Portal Community Hub. Once logged in you can navigate to all our on-demand content using the menu across the top of the Community Hub homepage. The webinar will be uploaded over the next week.

The above article was provided to us by the Planning Portal.