land and property portal for infrastructure projects

TerraQuest News

- Jul 2022

Meet Peter

Current Role: Senior Project Manager 

Joined TerraQuest: In 2014 

I started at TerraQuest in 2014 as a technician, who had little knowledge of land referencing and the other associated workstreams that are required for development projects. I remained in this role for two years. I applied internally to the next role (Assistant Project Manager) at the start of 2016 however, I was initially unsuccessful but was provided very good feedback which allowed me to reapply during the middle of 2016 and achieve this by strengthening my experience and interview technique.

As an Assistant Project Manager, I gained more responsibility in picking up the task production side of work and assisting the PM in delivering a number of city-based regeneration schemes. I applied for the Project Manager role in 2017 which I became successful in and have developed further to a Senior Project Manager in 2021.

As part of my role, I manage a team of 6-12 people in delivering a range of Land Referencing Services in the support of Development Consent Orders (DCO), Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPO) and Transport and Works Act Order (TWAOs). The role looks to ensure that the work we do day to day is in line with client expectations and this is done by ensuring the appropriate members of the team are resourced.

Three words that describe TerraQuest:

  1. Innovative
  2. Quality Driven
  3. Market Leader

Top interview tip:

We gain experiences every day, be that at work, study, or social and it’s always good to use those experiences to strengthen the answers you give. An interviewer will likely ask the same question at each interview, make it unique by linking it to your past experiences. 

Top three benefits of working at TerraQuest:

  1. Every day is different
  2. Being able to work on such important infrastructure projects
  3. Helping to shape the development of others within the business