land and property portal for infrastructure projects

TerraQuest News

- Jul 2022

Meet Louis

Current Role: Business Development Manager 

Joined TerraQuest: August 2020 

I manage the advertising department at Planning Portal. I work with some of the largest and most reputable companies in the planning and building industry to deliver marketing campaigns for them across Planning Portal channels. I got to where I am today by living by three rules - Don't give up. Control the things you can control. Always keep learning.

Three words that describe TerraQuest/Planning Portal:

  1. Innovation
  2. Honesty
  3. Integrity

Top interview tip:

Always do the research to show that you have a specific interest in the company and role you are applying for.

Top three benefits of working at TerraQuest:

  1. Autonomy
  2. Trust
  3. Valuable products 

If you are interested in a career at TerraQuest or the Planning Portal, visit our careers page.