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does santa need a dbs check

TerraQuest News

- Jul 2022

Does Santa need a DBS Check?

Many may assume that Santa Claus will need an Enhanced DBS check because he works around children, but it's not actually the case.

To request an Enhanced level check, a person would need to be engaging in regulated activity with children unsupervised or working frequently in a limited range of establishments such as schools, nurseries, or care homes.

Working With Children

Santa will, of course, have contact with children, but he will not be left unsupervised with the child as a parent or guardian would always be present. Therefore, he would not qualify for an Enhanced DBS check unless Santa would be working in a limited range of establishments on a ‘frequent’ basis. Santa only comes around once a year, so it is unlikely that he would satisfy the eligibility criteria. The term ‘frequent’ entails working at least once a week for more than 3 days in a 30 day period annually.

What level of DBS check does he need?

In most cases, Santa Claus will require a basic DBS check. This level of check is available for all individuals, regardless of their job role. This level of DBS check will look through an individual’s criminal history, showing any unspent convictions that the applicant may have.